The Crime Prevention Website



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Theft of Metal from Church Buildings

Published September 2011 English Heritage Guidance Note

Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013

An Act to amend the law relating to scrap metal dealers

An evaluation of government/law enforcement interventions aimed at reducing metal theft

This paper summarises results of analyses which aimed to test whether the decline of metal theft from 2012 was caused primarily by the government/law enforcement interventions (See Scrap Metals Dealers Act 2013 above), or was simply due to metal prices falling back from their peak. Findings show large, statistically significant effects were caused by the former.

Nick Morgan, Jacqueline Hoare, Christos Byron  

Published by the Home Office January 2015


Stonegate Institute 


Interim Guidance on the Management, Recording and Investigation of Missing Persons

Published by ACPO (2013)

LINK: Missing People

Missing People is an independent charity funded by donations. Their highly trained staff and volunteers are on hand to offer specialised support to those who are left behind when someone goes missing

LINK: UK Missing Persons Bureau

The UK national and international point of contact for all missing person and unidentified body investigations. They provide support and advice to police forces in order to resolve cases and act as a hub for the exchange of information and expertise in this area. They also maintain the national database of missing and unidentified records.

On this site you can search through some of their unidentified cases to see if you can help them establish their identity.


Mobile Telephones (Re-Programming) Act 2002  Table of Contents

LINK: National Mobile Phone Crime Unit

LINK: The Mobile Industry Crime Action Forum

Industry Code of Practice   For the use of mobile phone technology to provide passive location services in the UK Version 1.1    PDF        1st October 2006

Reducing Mobile Phone Theft and Improving Security pdf

Published by Home Office September 2014

Using apps safely and securely on your mobile

Advice from Information Commissioner’s Office et al


LINK: Sold Secure

Sold Secure is testing and certification house for security products and is owned by the Master Locksmiths Association.  It provides professional and accurate advice regarding effective security products to Commercial Customers, the Insurance Industry, the Home Office, the Police and the Public.

Loss Prevention Standard  LPS 1175 Issue 7  Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers

Published 2010 by BRE Global Ltd


LINK: Our Watch

The national website for Neighbourhood watch and Home Watch 

LINK: European Neighbourhood Watch Association (EUNWA)

EUNWA's purpose is to act as umbrella organisation for neighbourhood watch associations and similar organisations in various European countries pursuing the prevention of crimes through cooperation among their members and with the police and other relevant local institutions and authorities.

This organisation was founded on 23 October 2014