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BS 7984:2008 Key holding and response services – Code of practice
LINK: Residential Landlords Association
The RLA 'Safe and Secure Home'
Published 2015 by Residential Landlords Association
How Lead Exposure Relates to Temporal Changes in IQ, Violent Crime, and Unwed Pregnancy
Rick Nevin's original research paper 1999
See POSTAL SERVICES in Library O - P
Secured by Design Licensed Premises
Patrick Cogan
Published by ACPO SBD 2005
Guidance for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light
PDF Published by Institution of Lighting Professionals 2012
Decision-making by house burglars: Offenders’ perspectives
Ian Hearnden and Christine Magill
Published by The Home Office 2004
Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide 2010
UK Government
Environmental Protection Act of 1990 Part III Statutory Nuisances and Clean Air
Rules for electrical safety in the home - leaflet
Published by Communities and Local Government 2007
The Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act of 2005 Table of contents
Came into effect 1 st October 2010
Came into effect 6 th April 2006
LINK: The Campaign to Protect Rural England
LINK: The British Astronomical Association's Campaign for Dark Skies
Street Lighting and Perceptions of Safety Survey November 2013 – Results and Analysis
A report published by Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network and Suzy Lamplugh Trust January 2014
Home Office Research Study 251 Effects of improved street lighting on crime: a systematic review
Farrington and Welsh
Published by the Home Office 2002
What is the contribution of street lighting to keeping us safe? An investigation into a policy
Paul Marchant
Published by Radical Statistics Issue 102 2010
Peter Kane
Published by ACPO Crime Prevention Initiatives Ltd 2011
BS 5489-1:2003+A2:2008 Code of practice for the design of road lighting. Lighting of roads and public amenity areas
Lighting the clean revolution: the rise of LED street lighting and what it means for Cities
Published by The Climate Group June 2012
Published by HM Government April 2017
LINK: Door and Hardware Federation
The DHF represents all the UK's leading door and hardware companies and is dedicated to raising standards in the industry
LINK: Door and Hardware Federation's guide to replacement door cylinders and security hardware
A micro-site operated by The Door and Hardware Federation
LINK: Master Locksmiths Association
A not-for-profit trade association established in 1958, the MLA licenses its approved locksmith companies through strict vetting and regular inspections, in order to ensure quality of service and provide peace of mind to the end customer looking for a high quality locksmith
Master Locksmiths 2014 Handbook This handbook provides lots of useful security guidance and lists all their locksmith members both alphabetically and regionally, so they’re easy to find
Sold Secure Approved Products 2014 catalogue This is the MLA’s listing of security products that have been successfully tested to the various Sold Secure standards – standards that are recommended on this website.
A guide for security and building professionals, installers and locksmiths
Published by Door and Hardware federation and Glass and Glazing Federation 2012
TS 007:2012 Performance requirements for replacement cylinders and/or associated security hardware
Published by Door and Hardware Federation and Glass and Glazing Federation 2012
BS 3621:2007+A1:2009 Thief resistant lock assembly. Key egress
BS 8621:2007+A1:2009 Thief resistant lock assembly. Keyless egress
BS 10621:2007+A1:2009 Thief resistant dual-mode lock assembly
BS EN 1303:2005 Building hardware. Cylinders for locks. Requirements and test methods
LPS 1242: Issue 1.2 Requirements for testing procedures for the approval and listing of cylinders for locks
BS EN 179:2008 Building hardware. Emergency exit devices operated by a lever handle or push pad, for use on escape routes. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1125:2008 Building hardware. Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar, for use on escape routes. Requirements and test methods
PAS 3621 Multi point locking assemblies – keyed egress
PAS 8621 Multi point locking assemblies – keyless egress
PAS 10621 Multi point locking assemblies – dual mode
BS EN 1906: 2010 Building hardware. Lever handles and knob furniture. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1935: 2002 Building hardware. Single-axis hinges. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 12209: 2003 Building hardware. Locks and latches. Mechanically operated locks, latches and locking plates. Requirements and test methods
BS 8300:2009+A1:2010 Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. Code of practice
BS EN 12051: 2000 Building hardware. Door and window bolts. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1154: 1997 Building hardware. Controlled door closing devices. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 1155: 1997 Building hardware. Electrically powered hold-open devices for swing doors. Requirements and test method
LINK: Master Locksmiths Association
A not-for-profit trade association established in 1958, the MLA licenses its approved locksmith companies through strict vetting and regular inspections, in order to ensure quality of service and provide peace of mind to the end customer looking for a high quality locksmith