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A guide to access control for manufacturing sites
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
A guide to access control for offices
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
A guide to access control for the education sector
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
A guide to access control for the healthcare sector
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
A guide to access control in care homes
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
Access Control - an installer’s basic guide
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
Access Control - a user's basic guide
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
A specifiers guide to access control systems
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
Biometrics - a user's practical guide
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
A guide to Token and Reader Technology in Access Control Systems
Published by British Security Industry Association (BSIA) 2014
Loss Prevention Standard LPS 1175 Issue 7.2
Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers
Published 2014 by BRE Global Ltd
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
RoSPA is a UK charity that campaigns to change both legislation and attitudes surrounding accidents.
Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 Part 8 High hedges
Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 Table of Contents
Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act of 2005 Table of contents
Communications Act 2003 Section 127(1)
Relevant to making and sending indecent phone calls and emails.
Communications Act 2003 Section 127(2)
Relevant to somebody who persistently makes silent phone calls.
Criminal Damage Act 1971 Table of Contents
Criminal Law Act 1977 Section 51 (2)
Relevant to those making bomb hoax phone calls etc.
Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Section 17 Miscellaneous and supplemental
Duty to consider crime and disorder implications
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Table of Contents
Environmental Protection Act of 1990 Part III Statutory Nuisances and Clean Air
Equality Act 2010 Table of Contents
Highways Act 1980 Contents
Highways Act 1980 Section 153 Obstruction of highways and streets
Doors etc. in streets not to open outwards
Highways Act 1980 Section 154 Obstruction of highways and streets
Cutting or felling etc. trees etc. that overhang or are a danger to roads or footpaths
Highways Act 1980 Section 164 Danger or annoyance to users of highways and streets
Power to require removal of barbed wire
Highways Act 1980 Part VIII Stopping up and diversion of highways and stopping up of means of access to highways
Highways Act 1980 Part 8A Restriction of rights over highway [Gating orders]
Malicious Communications Act 1988 Section 1
Relevant to those sending articles which are indecent or grossly offensive, or which convey a threat, or which are false, provided there is intent to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient. The offence covers letters, writing of all descriptions, electronic communications, photographs and other images in a material form, tape recordings, films and video recordings. Poison-pen letters are usually dealt with using this legislation.
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Table of Contents
Mobile Telephones (Re-Programming) Act 2002 Table of Contents
Offences Against the person Act 1861 Section 16
Relevant to the prosecution of persons involved in the most serious cases of threats to kill.
Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 Section 2 Liability in tort
Extent of occupier’s ordinary duty
Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984 Whole Act
Duty of occupier to persons other than his visitors
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013
An Act to amend the law relating to scrap metal dealers
Sexual Offences Act 2003
ACPO Policy on Police Response to Security Systems
Published by Association of Chief Police officers 2012
LINK: National Security Inspectorate (NSI)
LINK: Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board (SSAIB)
LINK: Consumer
Guidance that might be useful for citizens of the USA
BS 4737-3.0:1988 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. General requirements
BS 4737-3.10:1978 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Vibration detectors
BS 4737-3.1:1977 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Continuous wiring
BS 4737-3.2:1977 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Foil on glass
BS 4737-3.3:1977 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Protective switches
BS 4737-3.6:1978 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Acoustic detectors
BS 4737-3.9:1978 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Pressure mats
BS 4737-3.12:1978 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Beam interruption detectors
BS 4737-3.13:1978 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Capacitive proximity detectors
BS 4737-3.5:1978 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Ultrasonic movement detectors
BS 4737-3.8:1978 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Volumetric capacitive detectors
BS 4737-3.14:1986 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Specification for deliberately-operated devices
BS 4737-3.30:1986 Intruder alarm systems
Specifications for components. Specification for PVC insulated cables for interconnecting wiring
BS 4737-5.2:1988 Intruder alarm systems
Terms and symbols. Recommendations for symbols for diagrams
BS 4737-4.3:1988 Intruder alarm systems in buildings
Codes of practice. Code of practice for exterior alarm systems
BS 5979:2007 Remote centres receiving signals from fire and security systems
Code of practice
BS 6799:1986 Code of practice for wire-free intruder alarm systems
WITHDRAWN and replaced by BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1:2009
BS 7042:1988 Specification for high security intruder alarm systems in buildings
WITHDRAWN and replaced by BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1:2009
BS EN 50131-1:2006+A1:2009 Alarm systems. Intrusion and hold-up systems
System requirements
BS EN 50131-2-3:2008 Alarm systems. Intrusion and hold-up systems
Requirements for microwave detectors
BS EN 50131-4:2009 Alarm systems. Intrusion and hold-up systems. Warning devices
BS EN 50131-5-3:2005+A1:2008 Alarm systems. Intrusion systems.
Requirements for interconnections equipment using radio frequency techniques
BS EN 50131-6:2008 Alarm systems. Intrusion and hold-up systems. Power supplies
DD CLC/TS 50131-7:2008 Alarm systems. Intrusion and hold-up systems.
Application guidelines
BS EN 50131-8:2009 Alarm systems. Intrusion and hold-up systems. Security fog device/systems
BS EN 50132-7:1996 Alarm systems. CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications
Application guidelines
BS EN 54-11:2001 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Manual call points
BS AU 145d: 1998 Specification for retroreflecting number plates
The Alleygater's Guide To Gating Alleys (Original version)
Published 1994 by Association of Chief Police Officers
Calvin Beckford
The Alleygater's Guide To Gating Alleys (Updated version)
Published 2000 by The Metropolitan Police
Calvin Beckford and Patrick Cogan
Installing Alley-Gates: Practical Lessons from Burglary Prevention Projects
Briefing note 2/01
Published July 2001 Shane Johnson and Camille Loxley
ACPO Alley-gating Guide 2005/06 2nd Draft
Published 2006
Dr Rachel Armitage Huddersfield University
Perceptions of crime, engagement with the police, authorities dealing with antisocial behaviour and Community Payback: Findings from the 2010/11 British Crime Survey
Findings from the 2010 - 2011 British Crime Survey
Anti Social Neighbours in Private Housing
Published 20th July 2012
Wendy Wilson, Government's Social Policy Section
Short Story on Anti-Social Behaviour, 2011/12
A report which presents findings on perceptions and experience of Anti-Social Behaviour from the 2011/12 Crime Survey for England and Wales
Published 11th April 2013
Office for National Statistics [UK]
Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014: Reform of anti-social behaviour powers - Statutory guidance for frontline professionals
Published July 2014
Home Office
LINK: The Royal Institute of British Architects
LINK: Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment
Was the government's advisor on architecture, urban design and public space from 1999 to 2011. Material now archived
LINK: Arson Prevention Bureau
This body's website used to provide advice and information to help tackle the problem of arson nationally. This organisation has been abolished
LINK: The Fire Safety Advice Centre
Provides free fire safety and fire prevention advice in the United kingdom. Its resource library offers fire safety information as well as fire safety videos
Checklist for church properties to reduce the risk of an arson attack
A two-page checklist of advice to reduce the risk of arson at chuch properties
Published February 2016
Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc
LINK: Serious Organised Crime Agency
Cash Machines - 'Privacy Space' Markings
Published by Local Government Association (Alert 36 2007) this document is no longer avilable from the LGA website
LINK: UK Payments
The UK Payments website is a one-stop shop for information on making a payment in the UK.
Best Practice for Physical ATM Security
Published 2009
ATM Security Working Group