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It obviously makes sense to lock up your bicycles and or other two-wheeled transport in a garage or other dry outbuilding (or even in the hallway), but if you need to make room and still keep your property safe you can buy purpose made secure storage containers that can sit in the garden or out the front of your home.
I recommend you get one that is certificated to the following standard. A product at security level 1 would suffice for bicycles and security level 2 for motorcycles.
LPS 1175 Issue 6 Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of intruder resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers View LPS 1175 here
The above security standard has been published by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB), which is part of BRE Global. Products that are certificated to this standard have undergone rigorous, independent testing by the LPCB and are subject to continuous ongoing assessment to ensure that the quality of the product is maintained. Part of the ongoing assessment includes a regular inspection of the company’s manufacturing facilities and the company must hold a BS EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality management system. (For lots more information about bicycle security see Bicycles and Vehicles, Bicycles )