The Crime Prevention Website

Sixth Sense Training Limited

Contact Us


07759 538364

141a New Road North Ascot Berkshire, SL5 8QA

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Who are we?

We are a training company, delivering one-day courses that are both informative and entertaining. We also get employed to facilitate sessions, support teams and provide advice.

What sort of courses do we deliver?

‘Problem Solving Partnerships’ is our most popular course and the one first featured by Sixth Sense Training. By the end of this course, those attending will be proficient in applying a Problem Solving Process. It covers: defining a problem correctly (not as easy as it seems); setting an aim; undertaking research and analysis; innovative thinking; creating responses and evaluation. We also cover recognising the work of others and sharing good practice.

‘Engaging with Communities’. By the end of this course, those attending will be efficient in engaging with their community, using a concise engagement process based on years of best practice from around the world.

‘Reducing Crime and Disorder’. By the end of this course, those attending will be capable of applying a range of Crime and Prevention theories and methods in order to reduce their own Crime and Disorder problems.

‘Information Sharing’. By the end of this course, those attending will be confident in requesting and sharing information legally with others. Due to the legislation being taught, this is our only course which is limited to the UK mainland. We have both an English/Welsh and a Scottish version to reflect the differences in the Anti Social Behaviour laws.

‘Presentation Skills’. By the end of this course, those attending will be able to deliver an effective presentation using a systematic approach for training and presentations. We also cover what makes a good PowerPoint.

Who have we trained over the years?

We have trained thousands of people from Police Forces; Fire and Rescue; Local Authorities (Community Safety, Trading Standards, Planning, Licensing, Legal Services, Library staff, Street and Park Services and Environment Officers); Probation; Youth services; Integrated Offenders Units; Housing departments and Social Landlords. We have also trained Researchers and Analysts from the Police, Council, Fire Department and combined Intelligence Units. In addition, we have trained elected members and members of the community, for example: Community Crime Fighters; Neighbourhood Watch; Tenants’ groups and Ward panel members.

What are our courses like?

We have developed all our training, presentation and support material to ensure that people from the agencies, private and public, statutory and voluntary sectors can learn and make a positive contribution in the sessions.

We are qualified trainers and so have produced all our material following the principles of student-based activities. We use a wide range of methods to deliver the training, such as DVDs, group work, presentations, and discussions. We make use of the broadest range of examples to facilitate understanding. All our material is produced in Plain English.

To prevent people from being excluded, our material and examples are made up of those provided by them on the day. The examples used are those that, as trainers, we know bring out key learning points. Some examples are unrelated to community safety to allow people to see the process itself, without becoming too involved in the specific tactics.

This is a very successful formula. We average 95% very satisfied with the remainder satisfied. We can provide references, points of contacts with other Safety Partnerships and access to all our assessment sheets.

Where do we train? We come to you, wherever you are, literally. You select the venue and arrange any catering that meets the requirements of your people and your budgets.

How many do we train? We train up to twenty people per course.

Credentials of the Director/Lead Trainer

As the director of Sixth Sense Training, I have worked as a Problem Solving and Partnerships specialist since 1998. I am recognised as a subject matter expert across the UK and have served on working groups and advisory bodies. I set up the first ever dedicated Problem Solving Unit in the Metropolitan Police, UK in 2001, which became a beacon site for other Police Forces.


In 2006 I received a MPS Commendation for Mainstreaming Problem Solving across London UK. I was the winner of the UK Home Office Tilley Award in 2003 for the category, Organisational Support for Problem Solving. In 2001 I received a MPS Commendation for Problem Solving for a £2 Million multi agency project. (Project Lilac - Tacking drug markets) 

I am an accomplished trainer and learning and development specialist and have been involved in staff development for over 20 years. I hold a Certificate in Education and I am an assessor and verifier.

I have considerable experience in identifying problems and in developing strategies through group facilitation. This has resulted in formulating action plans, setting achievable goals and generating innovative approaches to resolving concerns.

I have been a Tactical Advisor in Reducing Crime, Disorder and Anti Social Behaviour. I have supported the use of the UK National Intelligence Model, including using the Strategic Assessments in setting Priorities and the functions of the Joint Agency Groups.

I am also the author of the book: “Who shares your problem?” This takes the reader through the different stages of a Problem Solving Process making use of lots of examples from a range of sectors unrelated to law enforcement. (Available on Amazon in paperback and kindle versions).


Credited by the UK Local Government Improvement and Development in 2011.Acknowledged by the Office of Community Oriented Policing US Dept. of Justice report ‘Reducing Fear of Crime – Police Strategies 2010’. Credited in “Crime Opportunity Profiling of Streets” in 2005Recognised trainer by the Scottish Community Safety Network. Authorised by the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council. Judge for Tilley Award in 2004, Hampshire Police and Metropolitan Police.

Conference Speaker and Facilitator

Surrey Police Neighbourhood Conference in 2012. The UK Problem Oriented Partnership Conferences 2003, 2004 and 2009. The International Problem Oriented Policing Conference 2003 and 2005. I was the facilitator at the Scottish Borders Community Safety Conference 2011; the Scottish Community Safety Conference in 2010; the Kentucky Chiefs Convention in 2008 and the Nordic Problem Solving Symposium 2006.


If you want to know more, you can give me a call, on 07759 538364 or 00 44 7759 538364 or by email to or visit our website,

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