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StranDNA (UK) Limited

08442 490 150
Unit 1 Cobbett Park 22 - 28 Moorfield Road Guldford Surrey , GU1 1RU
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StranDNA (UK) Limited are responsible for the supply and forensic registration of "Chain Reaction DNA" a cost effective forensic based door security device and offender marking system.
When "Chain Reaction DNA" is in use if an attempt is made to force entry through a protected door the device automatically sounds a high decibel alarm to alert neighbours and passers-by but at the same time sprays the offender(s) with a unique UV based forensic trace liquid.
This liquid is easily identified by Police using UV lighting technology and the unique liquid fingerprint which is device specific gives the ability of tracking the criminal back to a maliciously activated device anywhere in the world.
Chain Reaction DNA is now installed throughout the UK with 100% non re-offence or malicious evacuation. We belive the threat of forensically linking the criminal to crime scene is deterring the offence from being perpetrated in the fist instance.
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