The Crime Prevention Website


The Crime Prevention Website is Google ranked No 1 for ‘Crime Prevention’ and ‘Crime Prevention News’. It attracts 8,500 visits a week and 14,000 page views and is linked to by 16 English Police Services and well over 75 Neighbourhood Watch Websites. We think we are probably the most visited crime prevention website on the net and we’re just four-and-a-half years old! What’s more, it’s been developed by a retired Metropolitan policeman, crime prevention specialist and author who’s still passionate about reducing crime.

Our goal is to provide our visitors with free and expert security advice and to put them in touch with the very best people whose products and services meet the recognised security standards promoted on this site (where these exist) or are otherwise accredited by official organisations. Take a look at our Directory categories to see the range of products and services that appeal to our engaged visitors.

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