The Crime Prevention Website

It’s great to get new links from the police service and this time it’s an important department of the Greater Manchester Police that have put one in.

The department is Design for Security and this is who they are and what they do:

Design for Security is a design-led crime prevention consultancy based within Greater Manchester Police. The practice specialises in design-led crime prevention in the built environment.

They are a small team of professionals with backgrounds in planning, surveying, design and the development industry, and are accredited by the National Police Improvement Agency (NPIA) to deliver crime prevention, and ‘designing out crime’ advice.  Everyone is entitled to live in a well-designed, safe environment where the quality of life for individuals and communities is not undermined by crime or the fear of crime.

They work with local authorities, housing associations, architects, landscape architects, planning consultants and developers to support the production of designs that address crime and security issues and minimise future opportunities for offenders.

This is the sort of work I used to do before retiring from the police and having seen the results of the ‘designing out crime’ process let me assure you that their work not only achieves fantastic results, but keeps on working to prevent crime for as long as the building is standing!

Go take a look at what this excellent team is doing:

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