The Crime Prevention Website

I have no idea what’s going on down in South London, but as I write more than 65 surveys have been completed by residents in that part of the capital. It all kicked off at 10:03 this morning and they’re still being completed as I write at 17:12.

Me and Ben can only imagine that someone is holding a crime prevention conference of some sort, perhaps a big Neighbourhood Watch meeting, and the organisers are inviting people to complete a survey on someone’s laptop while they are there.

This sort of thing has happened before, but usually we’ve known about it beforehand. NOT THAT WE’RE COMPLAINING!! This is exactly what we want you lovely people to do! It’s there, it’s free and so why not make use of it.

Anyway, if anyone out there can tell me what’s been going on then I would love to hear from you.

Please send me a message using our contact form

If you haven’t completed our home security survey then this is exactly the right time of year to do it. It’s free, anonymous, confidential and above all – very useful!

Go on, give it a go. You know it makes sense!

Start here:

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