By Calvin at 16:22 GMT, 9 years ago
Someone will:
- Leave newly bought presents on view in the back of a car
- Leave presents around the tree with the curtains or blinds wide open
- Forget to lift the handle on the front door and turn the key
- Open an infected e-Christmas card
- Leave their bag on the back of a chair at the office drink down the pub
- Go to a packed Christmas market with the wallet in their back pocket
- Remember they’ve left the back door unlocked whilst attending Midnight Mass
- Go out to the Christmas party and forget to leave lights on in the house
- Leave the new mobile phone on the pub table whilst getting a round of drinks
- Fail to mark that new laptop they got on Christmas Day
- Argue with a partner at the New Year’s Eve party about who forgot to set the alarm
- Drink too much at the office Christmas party
All these scenarios can lead to unnecessary crimes and stress at possibly one of the best times of the year
Look back to this Christmas and remember a good time - not a crime!
And if you’re going shopping you might want to read this: http://thecrimepreventionwebsite.com/robbery-and-theft-risk/661/christmas-shopping-tips/