By Calvin at 13:57 GMT, 9 years ago
I've just taken a short break from writing reports to bring excellent news of this new link
Way back in June this year I wrote to about half the Chief Constables about linking to our website and thought by now that I’d probably heard back from those that were going to express an interest. How wrong was I!
Lancashire is one of the top dozen counties in the UK for completing our Home Security Survey, which suggests that there is an appetite amongst the county’s residents for some good old fashioned crime prevention advice. This forthcoming link from Lancashire police’s website will make our site all the more easy to find and we’re really grateful for that.
It’s important to remember that police websites offer huge amounts of help and advice to their visitors and I would urge you all to visit your force’s site regularly to find out about the latest crime trends and risks.
The link will be going in place just as soon as they complete some partial rebuilding of their site. I’ll let you know when it happens.
Many thanks to our contact there.
Lancashire Constabulary Home Page: http://www.lancashire.police.uk/