The Crime Prevention Website


Ben Beckford BSc was born in 1988 in Hillingdon, West London.

After completing his degree in Computer Games Design & Programming at the University of Westminster, Ben is now a full time web/app developer and prolific Twitterer. Ben has a few web projects of his own in ongoing development; is his personal site, is a fun Christmas web app and Resolution Test, his most popular project to date, is a free Chrome Extension for web developers with over 74,787 users at time of writing and has been mentioned on the Official Google Blog.

The projects above pale in insignificance when compared to the scale of The Crime Prevention Website, however. Ben came up with idea to both help the general public get access to free, quality advice, and to help his Dad lay down his knowledge gained through a career spanning over 30 years (and perhaps get Calvin the recognition Ben believes he truly deserves).

Ben would like to thank all who have supported him in the building of this site, but especially his Fiancée Melissa who has put up with a vacant spot next to her many a night due to Ben's late coding sessions.