The Crime Prevention Website

In the ‘you couldn’t make it up’ news bucket today is this article from New Straits Times Kuala Lumpur (It includes a few edits and my comments, you may wish to consult a councillor after reading it and there may be some flashing images – you have been warned)

The Royal Malaysian Police is confident that the introduction of new [crime reduction] initiatives will be able to bear fruit

Police Crime Reduction National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) Secretariat chairman Datuk Wira Ayub Yaacob said that the implementation of [their latest] initiatives would involve the participation of the people, especially women and the private sector.

He said, “For example, the recently launched 1Aman Go-to-safety Points Campaign, which aimed at providing assistance to crime victims, involved the participation of seven outlets of 7-Eleven convenience stores and two post offices in Bukit Bintang.”

TCPW So far so good.......

He went on to say in an interview at the 206th Police Day celebrations, "Trainings [to handle emergency cases] given by the police to the participants included crime prevention assistance, such as when arresting a suspect, the right to defend themselves and lodging police reports

TCPW Fair enough........

“PDRM had also set up a special unit, known as Aman Wanita (Amanita), to collect information on unreported crime-related activities, by forging close cooperation with housewives.

TCPW Where are we going with this.......?

"We acknowledge that sometimes housewives do have important information, especially on crime-related activities, which they shared with each other during their 'gossip sessions'

TCPW Oh dear......

“Therefore, for a start, 152 policewomen had been picked to participate in the unit.”

TCPW Oh dear, oh dear.....

TCPW Crime reduction, Kuala Lumpur style!!

Original article Crime reduction steps successful - General - New Straits Times

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