The Crime Prevention Website

My regular visitors will have noticed that from time to time I post up news of a new organisation that has linked up to us.  Sometimes these are big organisations, like the British Parking Association, or one of the Police and Crime Commissioners, or a Police Service, and sometimes they’re exceedingly small groups, just like the LawrenceOwen Neighbourhood Watch, which covers just two streets in Bristol, but looks like a community that can deliver when the need arises.  So, can I just emphasise that as far as we’re concerned size doesn’t matter.

To us, it’s what the organisation is doing is what’s important and so if you are in any way involved in a group with a website that’s striving to prevent crime or improve community or personal safety then do consider a link up with us. 

I’ll be very happy to publicise your initiatives in this news section and if you subscribe to our Newsletter you can cut and paste the useful bits onto your own website or use them in your own newsletter. We’re simply here to promote crime prevention and help out where we can; it really is as simple as that!  

It takes just a few minutes to create a link to our site; just click on Link to us for the full instructions and if you’d like to receive our Newsletter ahead of the rest you only need to click here and subscribe . We only publish a newsletter every six weeks or so, so it won’t bung up your inbox.

And finally, I know we have websites linking to us which we can’t identify using our analytics system, so if you suspect that you’re one of these (Are you shown on our Partners page?) then do please get in touch using Contact

Thanks very much and Keep ‘em peeled


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