Feedback on this page
Welcome to the Library.
I am currently updating the library and adding new links and references. This will take some time, so I'm sorry if you can't find what you're looking for just at the moment.
The Library contains links to documents, books and organisations and online available security standards, policies, codes of practice, technical specifications, guides, building regulations and Acts of Parliament. It also references a wide number of security standards that can be purchased online.
The references have been arranged under indexed categories. This means that if you want to know something about doors just click on C - D in the navigation column.
At the moment there are about 610 references arranged under about 155 categories and we expect this to grow a great deal over the next few months. If you are looking for a document or organisation and cannot find it or would like me to include a new reference for the benefit of others please let me know using the Feedback Form.
For an explanation of the security standards and more information about their authors please see Explanation of Security Standards.
I only keep PDFs of documents on this site if the authors/publishers have given me permission to do so.
I will not knowingly link to sites that hold documents without the author's or publisher's permission. If you think I may have done so please let me know.
Please report any broken links.
Click the index in the left hand column to find your reference