The Crime Prevention Website

Thank you to Imaan of the Neighbourhood Watch Hide Tower Scheme in Westminster for bringing my attention to the following

Over to you, Imaan.....

You receive a text message. It says that a friend has sent you photos to download. There is a link for you to click on. What would you do?

MPS response:

It’s not just computers that can download viruses. In 2013/14 Londoners reported downloading viruses onto their smartphones for the first time. This often comes in the form of infected apps and unsolicited text messages. If your smartphone is infected, it can give criminals access to your personal data, including banking information, making you more vulnerable to fraud. 

FALCON - the Met’s new cyber and fraud team - is doing more to protect you on your computer and your phone. See for more info on FALCON. Also see for more smartphone security advice.

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