The Crime Prevention Website

You won’t be surprised to learn that many of the things we can do to prevent crime come with little or no price tag.  Think about it for a moment.......

Remembering to lift the handle and turn the key on your multi-point locking front door at night is simply a question of memory and routine - nothing more - and yet this simple cost-free action (if done by all) would prevent many thousands of night-time burglaries each year across the UK.

Not leaving things on view in your car would prevent many tens of thousands of car crimes and around 20% of all burglaries wouldn’t happen if we remembered to close and lock windows and doors.

If you carry out our Home Security Survey some of you will notice that a lot of the recommendations in the report you’ll be sent are either free or low-cost, so what’s stopping you!

Carry out the survey now (over 3,000 people already have) and tell your friends and neighbours about it too.  It’ll only cost you a little time.

You know it makes sense!

Home Security Survey

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