The Crime Prevention Website

A quick search on Google this morning found five newspaper reports of lead theft in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Lincolnshire and London; just on the first three pages of search results and these are just the tip of the iceberg since very few of these thefts attract newspaper coverage. 

Very often the theft is only discovered after a period of heavy rain when the victim notices water pouring in through the ceiling and down the walls.   In some cases, especially if the rain falls overnight, the water damage can be extreme.

There are solutions to this problem and whilst the government has recently introduced new legislation to make the disposal of stolen metals more difficult, the onus is on the potential victims to do everything they can to prevent it.

I would recommend two approaches.  First off a roof alarm, specifically designed for the purpose, which comes with warning notices that are fixed to rainwater pipes and other places where climbing might take place and, secondly, a marking or stamping system to make the lead identifiable to the building on which it sits.

Additional advice:

Roof alarms:

Metal theft:    

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