The Crime Prevention Website

Thank you to our friends at Thames Valley Police for bringing our attention to this one

The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), together with the National Business Crime Forum (NBCF), have announced that a definition of business crime has now been formally agreed. It is widely understood that a minimum of 15 per cent of all crime is related to business crime. The definition, adopted for the purposes of national crime recording, can be defined as:

“Business crime is any criminal offence that is committed against a person or property which is associated by the connection of that person or property to a business. This can be condensed to reflect the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) definition of business crime, given that it represents any crime in, around or against a business. This is based on the perception of the victim at the time of reporting of the offence”.

You can read more about this at: 

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