The Crime Prevention Website

Our friend, Stephen Armson-Smith, one of the Crime Prevention Tactical Advisors in Essex Police has sent us a useful holiday security checklist that you might like to include in your monthly publications (I’m particularly thinking of Neighbourhood Watches/Parish Council newsletters etc). As Stephen freely admits, the list isn’t all his own work, but is taken from lists found elsewhere that includes a few amendments to reflect his own thoughts on the matter.

If you want even more help and advice about holiday security see my news item from yesterday

  1. Check your home insurance cover - Ensure any newly purchased items are covered within your contents insurance
  2. Install a timer - Put lights on a timer to come on in the evening. Invest in a TV simulator such as “Fake TV”. Consider leaving a radio on a timer during the day.   These are effective ways to make it seem like someone is at home.
  3. Leave curtains and blinds open - Closed or half closed curtains throughout the daytime can make it obvious you’re away
  4. Mow the lawn before you go away - This will ensure your garden doesn’t look suspiciously un-kept and overgrown
  5. Don’t forget the postman! - If you are going away for a long period of time consider signing up to the Royal Mail Keepsafe™ service which will hold your postal deliveries for up to 66 days. This will ensure a pile of post doesn’t collect on your doormat making it obvious you’re away, and if you still have milk delivered cancel that too.
  6. Keep valuable items out of sight - If items are small, consider keeping them in a lockable safe (check the insurance rating is appropriate to that stored within) or hidden out of the way. Always leave some “sacrificial jewellery” out in the bedroom; it may prevent the search for your more cherished items.
  7. Don’t announce you’re going on holiday on social media - If you want to share your positive experience with your friends, share it when you get back. You never know who may see your post and consequently research where you live or use that information to facilitate a fraud at your place of work.
  8. Ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye out for when you’re away - If your neighbour has more than one car and you have taken yours away, it may be worth asking if they would park on your drive.
  9. Leave a contact telephone number of a key holder with the immediate neighbour if they are not your key holder.
  10. Unplug all electrical appliances that aren’t on timers - This will save on potential powers surges and energy for items left on standby
  11. Securely lock all windows, doors, gates, garages and sheds - Do not leave spare keys anywhere in sight.
  12. Remember an address displayed on a luggage label can also tell the thief that you are away.
  13. Make time for a final check - Before you leave make sure you spend a little time walking around your home and garden to ensure it’s been left as safe and secure as possible.
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