The Crime Prevention Website

Good morning to all of you and please accept my apologies for my absence from this website over the past couple of weeks. This has been due to massive tasks in the garden requiring my full attention, which have still not been completed.  I will also admit to have been trying to lose weight and get fit.

One of the problems associated with running a website is that you spend hours sitting perfectly still on a pair of ever increasing behind quarters. It occurred to me that the only time I ever got up was to make a cup-of-tea or have my lunch – sitting down! So, in order to counteract the need to buy new trousers and shirts every three months, I started a diet and fitness regime at the beginning of the year and I’m pleased to say this new lifestyle has worked.  This means that I’ve permanently cut my ‘sitting still in the office hours’ and instead engage myself in various physical activities, such as walking. The National Trust has never seen so much of me.

But fear not! Once my DIY and gardening work is over I’ll be back in the office every day, albeit not for such long periods. Talking of which do take a look at this website’s large section on garden security, so that your new plants and tools don’t end up being taken and sold down at the local car-boot sale.

Over the past two weeks I’ve had some interesting emails sent to me (that still require my response) and I’ll bring the content of these messages to your attention next week. One of them tells me not to use WD40 to oil my locks, but to use specific lock oil instead. Good advice, but slightly in my defence I did say that you should not spray WD40 into the lock, but simply spray a little onto the key. I’ll give more details about this next week.

It’s great to see the Home Security Survey application still being used very regularly with West London, Cambridge, Lancashire and Essex being the stand-out areas during May. If you haven’t given it a go then do please think about it. It’s confidential; it’ll only take you about 15 minutes and it’ll really make you think about your home’s security.

Keep safe and I’ll be back next week.

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