The Crime Prevention Website

It’s time for the biggest street festival in Europe, which this year is celebrating its 50th colourful anniversary!

The Notting Hill Carnival runs from 29th to 31st August

Everyone, I’m sure, is going to have a great time, but remember that for a crime to take place there needs to be opportunity and packed events such as this carnival do, unfortunately, provide them.  However, if you keep your wits about you and you follow this guidance you’re going to have a fantastic time – I know I will!

  • Agree a meeting place with your friends and or family so you can meet up again should you get separated – and many of you will get separated on occasion
  • Be aware of your surroundings, stay close to your friends and be alert to what is going on around you
  • Be discreet with your belongings. Don’t display valuable jewellery, which might attract the wrong sort of attention – leave it behind or keep it in a deep pocket until you leave
  • Although you’ll want to take photos, send messages and make calls keep your wits about you at all times when using your phone and camera and look out for each other
  • Avoid walking and using your phone at the same time – you may not agree, but your brain is only good at doing one thing at a time!
  • If you can leave the bag at home, excellent! If you need it keep it zipped up, carry it close to the body and to the front of you; not over your shoulder or on your back. Think about taking a bum-bag instead
  • Carry purses and wallets in front pockets if you have them, otherwise make sure they’re not visible
  • Eat plenty and drink (alcohol) moderately. This will help you stay in control and have complete recall of the great time you’re going to have!

The Carnival Website:

The Carnival Facebook Page:

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