The Crime Prevention Website

Last night a person living in Warwickshire completed the 4,000th Home Security Survey on this website. This means we’re four fifths of the way to having some additional programming completed to enable us to drill down deeper into the findings. We can’t do it just yet, because there are eight different dwelling types to choose from and so we need sufficient numbers in each category so that the findings are statistically significant.  Yes, it would be even better if we had 10,000, but that’s some time off I’m afraid.

I’ve tried my best to get some of my linking police forces to promote the survey, but only a few actually do.  I don’t complain, because I’m very grateful for the links, but extra promotion would get me to the target much quicker.

I’m currently writing the next newsletter, which will be out by around 7th April. I’m rather late with it because I now have to balance my work on the website with the consultation work I’m doing. Sorry about that, but the latter pays for things whereas the website is more of a hobby. Still, it’s great fun running the site and boy, am I getting a lot of emails for help at the moment!  I sometimes wonder if they’re all genuine, because sadly 75% of people don’t say thanks or frankly anything when I reply to them. A little annoying, but I’ve got used to it now and have developed a very thick skin to such things.

If you would like to receive my newsletter do please follow the link below and if you haven’t yet taken our Home Security Survey then how about doing it this weekend. Find out just how insecure your home is! J

I had a little exciting news arrive by email today, which will be the subject of a news item in a few days’ time. I can’t say too much, but it involves cats and crime prevention. I’d say more, but there’s a stop on the press release at the moment.  Still, I’m very grateful to my colleague for including me.  Watch this space!

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Do the Home Security Survey here:    

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