The Crime Prevention Website

This interesting short news report demonstrates several design issues that contribute to crime.

Whilst relying on what the camera operator chose to film it is quite clear that this neighbourhood incorporates a number of design problems.  First we have an alley, or rather a service road running to the rear of the properties, a known generator of crime and one which our British police cite as problematic in their highly successful Secured by Design (SBD) project now used widely on most new housing developments. 

Next there is no physical demarcation between the front lawns and public sidewalks, again something not supported by SBD (loss of defensible space), and finally many of these houses have horizontal sliding windows, possibly made of aluminium.  These were used in some of social housing back in the 1970s and 80s, but were largely abandoned due to their poor level of security performance.  SBD requires doors and windows that meet recognised standards for security.

The item ends with a victim of burglary saying that it’s important for everyone to look out for each other to prevent crime.  I wholeheartedly agree with what he says, but with that big security problem at the back and what appears from the film to be only a modest level of home security I think it’s going to take a lot more than just being neighbourly.

You may not agree.  If not let me know what you think and come onto our Forum and have your say!

Source: Bakersfield


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